All makes and models of machine serviced in and around Maldon

Sewing machine servicing in your area.

If you live in or around Maldon, we can arrange to have a sewing machine mechanic repair or service your sewing machine.
We will arrange to have your sewing machine picked up, repaired and returned back to you usally within 5 to 7 working days.
Our repairs are guaranteed for up to of 12 month and we will provide a free estimate within 48 hours.

Tell us the problem, theres no commitment to getting your machine serviced with us and there are no hidden costs.

Sewing Machine Service Request

This is just a small selection of the areas we offer services in.
If you are located elsewhere in the UK, give us a call and find out if we can help you.

A selection of the machines our mechanics service:

Singer Sewing Machine repairs
Brother Sewing Machine repairs
Alfa Sewing Machine repairs
Janome Sewing Machine repairs
Pfaff Sewing Machine repairs